Saturday, September 4, 2021

Book Reviews, August 2021

The purpose of this series of blog posts is be to document & review the books I read over time. The goal is to become a better reader by the end of this year, so that I can live the great literary works available to mankind. 

This month, I mostly read books about space, and self-help. 

  • The Brief History of Time, by Stephen W Hawking: When I got this book, I thought it would be really boring, after-all who would want to read a physics book in his free time, but it's definitely not like that. Dr Hawking is a great writer, and reading his books makes one feel as if one is attending a live lecture (there are no "chapters", there are "lectures"). Since, it is written keeping the layman readers in mind, everyone can understand most parts of this masterpiece. The books begins with old theories about time & space, and converges talking about string theories and the future of time.
  • The Art of War, by Sun Tzu: This masterpiece was written in around 500 BC, and talks about the strategies to be followed in a war. It's pretty surprising to see, how a book having this less number of pages, and written way back in 500 BC, can contain ideas which are that much practical in today's world. Sun Tzu must have been a killer war strategy back in his day, and I plan to read his masterpiece again. Something new can be learned each time, one reads this book.
  • The Theory of Everything, by Stephen W Hawking: This is based on the series of lectures Hawking has given after writing The Brief History of Time, so this is a subset of the first one. I read this one before the former, and it served as a perfect spoiler. Still, both books are lovely, and if somehow I can delete memories, I will read the Brief History of Time, before this.

 Trying to develop an active reading habit has helped me a lot and has by far served as the best way to relax. There is nothing that beats the distinct almond like smell of books, and no web series or any modern media beats the quality content found in those rusty pages.

 Currently, I am reading some fiction, and self-help books, which I will be writing about in my next post. Thanks for reading!

Notes about Resilience

 (Not a well-written blog. Something I wanted to write for a long time. Below are some scribbles about seemingly tough times, being resilien...